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Mart, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 My dear readers,hello again! 🙋 Today, I'm writing about an excellent application for making mind maps,as well as the TPACK and SAMR models,which I think will be very useful for you in terms of instructional technologies. The app I'm writing about is MIRO . You can get free service in the MIRO application and you can produce different types of diagrams as well as mind maps.These are about Meetings&Workshops,Brainstorming&Ideation,Agile Workflows,Mapping&Diagramming (which I used for my study),Research&Design,Strategy&Planning,Community Templates and Building Blocks.So you can find all kinds of schemes suitable for your purpose here. Mindmap I made on the subject in MIRO: As you can see, I can able to get an overview of the subject by placing many colorful notes on the mindmap I made.And also,by adding videos on the subject,I have added to these notes plus a visual and audio content that I can watch over and over again while studying for lesson.As in the exa


  Hello everyone! 😇 Today I have great suggestion for you again,which can be used especially in online lessons! MINDMAP... As you all know,most of the lessons are conducted online now and there are many fun applications and websites to get rid of boringness. The sites you will use to make mindmaps are one of them. If we come to the usage areas of mindmap; You can use MindMap to highlight important facts You can use MindMap as a notebook You can use MindMap to see overall structure of a subject You can use MindMap to improve your creatibility You can use MindMap to make new connections between ideas Websites that can be used to make MindMaps; Canva MindMeister FreeMind Popplet LucidChart Scapple MindManager Coggle Microsoft Visio Cacoo MindGenius SmartDraw Milanote Padlet Ayoa XMind The site I used for "Learning Theories" was Canva . (All the sites I share provide free service,except for pro versions.) As you see,the use of relevant keywords is very important in Mind


 Hello everyone! Today I would like to write to you about a site that is very useful for online teaching... PADLET! Padlet application has become very popular in schools and colleges recently.The reason for this is definitely that the Padlet application is very simple to use,practical and useful both for instructors and learners.Creating things in Padlet is completely free.But for those who want it,there is also a "Pro" version with more features.You can create padlets in the form of wall,canvas,shelf,flow,sketch,chart and map. You can add a title to the diagram you have created,create colored notes and add images or videos to them.You can make it fun by adding emojis to your padlet as well as! You can use a picture,solid color,pattern etc. for the background of your padlet.I prefer "Scroll".You can also set your font as you wish. You can start adding notes to your padlet by clicking the " + " button at the bottom rigt.Again,you can change your text color